Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Changes for our own children...

Yesterday, someone asked on the Fundamentalist Forums what we were allowed to do as children, that we wouldn't allow our own children to do. This question made me rather nostalgic.

Between the ages of 4 - 6, as well as during the summer, and vacations from school, I lived in a little town called
Sailor Springs.. I spent a lot of time at my Grandmother's, and playing with my cousin Melissa. Basically, we were allowed to go where we wanted, and do what we wanted, as long as we were home by the time the street lights came on.

We'd take our dog and wander around this historic little town. We used to spend hours searching the site of the bank that had been torn down years before, searching for old coins, and sometimes, we'd be successful. In the summer, we'd go out in the country, and swim in the creek.

We attemped to catch tadpoles once. This involved going onto someone's land, and to a little area of another creek that was pooled over. Unfortunately, there was an electric fence, and I missed seeing it. But you'd be surprised at how little pain that actually involves. To this day, I wonder why the cows don't just step on it, and go on their way. But I digress...

Later, I lived in Chicago. When I was a teenager, (Around ages 13 - 15), I was allowed to go to Dominick's (a 24-hour grocery store), alone, at night. I was allowed to spend time with a male friend, alone, at night, in his room. Nothing ever happened between us, but that doesn't change the fact that something could have happened.

When I was 16, I moved back to Sailor Springs, and later moved to the next small town over, Clay City. I was allowed to spend all the time I wanted with my friends, to date whomever I wanted. I had no curfew.

When I look back at all the times I could have been in danger, all the times I could have done something infinitely stupid, and ruined my entire life as a result, I wonder.. What was my mother thinking?!

I don't have any children yet, but I do know how I want to raise my children. I would never let my children disappear all day, without having a clue where they were. My children will check in with me, so I'll know where they are at all times. I will never let my teenager daughter be alone with a boy, with no accountability, and the same with my sons. I will not let my children date someone who I don't know, let alone one that's on the level of some of the losers I dated when I was in high school. My children will have curfews, and accountability. I will know what my children are doing, who they are with, and where they are.

But then again, I wonder if I've become the person I am today, because of this, or in spite of this. I read all the time, and I've seen it, about children that are protected and watched, going away to college, and going basically.. insane. Drinking in excess, sleeping around, with no thought of the consequences, ditching classes, and inevitably failing or dropping out of college.

I fear that if I make my children completely accountable, will they do the same? Will they rebel against what they will see as a police state? While I have these concerns, I still feel that my instincts are correct. As to the consequences, I suppose I'll just have to wait until I have children and see.

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