Friday, July 01, 2005

Happy 4th! (Well.. Early, anyway)

The 4th of July invariably brings about thoughts of hot dogs, and fireworks; hamburgers and swimming.

And while there's nothing wrong with dedicating this day to spending time with your family and friends, many people often forget the true history behind this day. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on this date in 1776, indicating the intent of the American colonies to remove themselves from the oppression of the British king.

Many men died in the Revolutionary War, supporting the idea of American Independence. Many men and women have since died, for that same ideal.

So while you're barbecuing this weekend, or on Monday, and attending fireworks displays, remember to thank a soldier for the freedom you enjoy.

Remember our soldiers overseas, spending Independence Day away from their families, to ensure the continued freedom of the US, as well as the new freedom enjoyed by the Iraqis.

If your father, or grandfather fought in World War II, or Korea, or Vietnam, thank them. Thank them for their service, as it enabled Americans to continue to have the freedom we hold so dear, but that some take for granted.